Rohan Paleja

I will join Purdue as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science in Fall, 2025!
I'm looking for technically strong and self-motivated students to join my lab. For PhD students with an application deadline in December 2024, please apply to Purdue CS, and mention my name in your application (you are welcome to shoot me an email early at rpaleja {at} For other roles, please reach out directly and email your CV.
Until Fall 2025, I will continue in my role as a Technical Staff Researcher in the Artificial Intelligence Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, investigating new approaches to help operators understand, program, utilize, and team with autonomous systems, ranging from large language models to symbolic agents.
Previously, I completed my Ph.D. in Robotics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Matthew Gombolay. Across my research, I focused on developing novel machine-learning architectures and algorithms to support robot learning and human-robot collaboration in the diverse and unstructured environments that will be encountered by these agents in the real world. Prior to that, I received my M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at Rutgers University in 2018, and a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Aerospace Engineering at Rutgers University in 2017, where I was worked with Professor F. Javier Diez-Garias on UAV autonomy and sensing.
Recent News
We have a paper accepted to ICLR 2025! Please see the publications tab for details.
We have had two papers accepted to NeurIPS 2024! Please see the publications tab for details.
Our paper Why Would You Suggest That? Human Trust in Language Model Responses has been accepted to the ICML Workshop on Humans, Algorithmic Decision-Making and Society. .
I gave an invited talk at the Carnegie Mellon UniversitySafe AI Lab seminar.
I hosted a successful workshop onRobot Learning in Athletics at the Conference of Robot Learning in Atlanta, GA.
I gave an invited talk at the Transformative Science and Technology Lecture Series at Temple University.
I started as a Technical Staff Researcher at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in the AI Technology Group!
I successfully defended my Ph.D. on "Interpretable Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Human-Robot Collaboration."
Our workshop on Robot Learning in athlEtics (RoboLetics) has been accepted to the Conference of Robot Learning in Atlanta.
I gave an invited talk at the Robot Learning Seminar hosted by Mila and the Robotics and Embodied AI Lab on "Personalized and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence for Positive Human-Machine Interaction".
Our paper Learning Models of Adversarial Agent Behavior under Partial Observability has been accepted to the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems .
OurExplainable Robotics at ICRA 2023 was awarded an external sponsorship from the Artificial Intelligence Journal.
Organizing a workshop on Explainable Robotics at ICRA 2023 in London.
Our paper Athletic Mobile Manipulator System for Robotic Wheelchair Tennis has been accepted to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
Our paper Utilizing Human Feedback for Primitive Optimization in Wheelchair Tennis has been accepted to the Learning for Agile Robotics Workshop at the Conference of Robot Learning.
Our paper Fast Lifelong Adaptive Inverse Reinforcement Learning from Demonstrations has been accepted to the Conference of Robot Learning (CoRL).